Thursday, November 4, 2010

How to Choose the Best Laptop for College Student

If you are a college student, choosing the best laptop that suits with your need is not really easy. There are so many laptop manufactures that proudly declaring their laptop is the best. I’m sure that you agree with me that they are not lying. Have you scratched your head because of those confusing information about the brands, sizes, warranty packages, and of course prices of those best laptops? Well, if you do so, here are some tips you can use in choosing the best laptop for college student. You can use these tips to help you deciding which one of laptops that have already in your mind to buy. It is important to understand what the differences between choosing the most needed laptop and the most wanted laptop. Lets take a look:
1) What the laptop will be used for. This is actually the very first consideration before buying almost every stuffs. And buying best laptop for student is not an exception. Ask yourself: are you going to use the laptop for web designing? Or, is your study requires you stay connected with the internet? Are you going to use it to work with heavy applications like Adobe Photoshop or Corel Draw, or even Autodesk 3D Studio Max? Or maybe you are just going to do simple computing routine like typing your papers?Those questions requires your answers to help you finding the best laptop without spending too much money on it unnecessarily. Keep reading as you will find the answers of these questions in the summary. Lets ask a few more questions before we decide though.
2) Do you need to do any upgrades to your laptop? This is the second biggest consideration after you decided on what the laptop will be used for. The first year college students may have different needs compared with the second, third, or last year students in their computing routines. Now, decide which one is better for you, upgrade your laptop? Or buy a new one when your need to do more with your laptop? Buying a new laptop is not always a good choice when your budget is not allowing you to do that. So, the first option is maybe better for you. That’s why, consider to find an upgradable laptop. The  very first thing to upgrade is the laptop’s RAM (Random Access Memory), and then the laptop’s hard drive, and other accessories. Ask your local dealer whether your chosen laptop is upgradable. At least on those crucial items. This upgradability will save you a lot of money in the future. Once again, don’t waste your money on what you do not exactly need.
3) The size does matter. I’m trying to remind you of those Godzilla. Here is the case, you are going to move a lot. From your house or lodging house to campus, or from class to class. Don’t put your mildly expensive investment dropped on the ground when you are in hurry. Or don’t let your shoulders hurt because of such a heavy laptop’s bag. Believe me that you have to consider your laptop as your spouse. It is your primary study tool. You’ll get yourself in trouble when your laptop doesn’t bring you comfort in life. So, if you think that you are going to move a lot, pick the laptop that doesn’t requires you to go the massage parlor every week end. But don’t forget that the smaller the laptop the smaller also the keyboard. If you you have ten big fingers, then the 12 or 13 inches laptop will be good for you.
4) Money. Of course money is not the most important factor to consider in buying laptop for college student. As technology improves in leaps and bounds every year that goes by, you are going to find that the costs become less. But we do have to find a happy, acceptable medium between all the points we have put into consideration so far.
Here we come to the pre-conclusion (the final one is of course in you (and your parents))
How to choose the best laptop for college student? What to consider when searching for the best laptop for college students?

  1. Desired usage
  2. Laptop’s upgradability
  3. The size
  4. The best laptop prices that have all medium requirements
Have you found your laptop yet? I’m not selling one of those. But here is my recommendation. The Apple MacBook Air series. Right now there are two options, the 11 and 13 inches MacBook Air. Read the MacBook Air review. The reason is simple, they are known for their iron-clad resistance to viruses, lots of free software that come standard, will make you look good, and easy learning curve. If you are now using PC’s with Windows OS, you can simply adapt yourself into this machine for now you can have Microsoft Office installed MacBook.
If MacBook Air is too expensive, you still have many other laptops for college student.
Buy Apple MacBook Air here


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